Oxygen Combustion Flask - JN Sciencetech

Oxygen Combustion Flask

This is an Oxygen Combustion Flask of borosilicate glass, with a Standard Taper 40/45 socket mouth; without a stopper or sample carrier. The Platinum Basket Sample Carrier has a perforated platinum mesh and features a 15 mm round and 10 mm height basket on its lower end that takes the paper-wrapped sample.

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Oxygen Combustion Flask

Data Sheet - Oxygen Combustion Flask

Part. No. CapacityPlatinum Sample Holder ModelPlatinum Sample Holder Length
13880250 mlBasket Model60 | 80 mm
13881500 mlBasket Model60 | 80 mm
138821000 mlBasket Model60 | 80 mm
13883250 mlFlat Model60 | 80 mm
13884500 mlFlat Model60 | 80 mm
138851000 mlFlat Model60 | 80 mm


The Oxygen Combustion Flask is designed for efficient combustion of organic materials, ensuring precise analysis of halogens and sulfur.

Key Features & Benefits:

✔ Borosilicate Glass Construction: Provides excellent thermal resistance and chemical durability.
✔ Standard Taper 40/45 Socket Mouth: Ensures a secure fit for improved safety and containment.
✔ Platinum Basket Sample Carrier: Features a perforated mesh design with a 15 mm round and 10 mm height basket for optimal combustion.
✔ Black Paper Sample Wrappers: Efficiently absorb heat for infrared ignition, enhancing combustion accuracy.
✔ Multiple Flask Sizes: Available in 250 ml, 500 ml, and 1000 ml capacities to suit diverse testing needs.
✔ Heat-Resistant Design: Deep bell-shaped flaring lip enhances heat management and containment.
✔ Contamination-Free Combustion: Ensures results are free from metallic impurities for reliable analysis.
✔ Convenient Sample Handling: Elongated ground glass stopper with an attached U-shape platinum wire gauze simplifies sample placement.


Ideal for analyzing chlorine, bromine, iodine, fluorine, and sulfur content in organic materials.
Widely used in chemical laboratories, research facilities, and educational institutions.

The Oxygen Combustion Flask offers precision, durability, and efficiency, ensuring accurate combustion analysis for critical testing requirements.

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JN Sciencetech